Royal Feteascã Premium

52,00 lei TVA incl.

SKU: 004 Categories: ,

A Feteascã Regalã who fully possesses two of the beloved characteristics of the variety: acidity and
crispiness. If we add to these the beautiful minerality, characteristic of the terroir on Târnava Mică,
then the result can only delight any admirer of the Feteascã Regalã.
The color of the wine is a very light straw yellow. The nose is delicate, comes with a mix of white
wildflowers, green citrus and freshly cut grass. The body is supple with well-integrated alcohol and a
piercing acidity. The taste brings mostly green apples, limes and vines, to which are added discreet
mentholated sensations. The aftertaste is refreshing and leaves a pleasant astringency and bitter,
elegant notes of ripe grapefruit.
