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White Fetească Selection

White Fetească Selection

70,00 lei incl. TVA

SKU: 016 Categories: , ,


A “handmade” Fetească Albă with a good typicality and delicate like a silk cloth. A clear proof that
the Târnava Mică valley is wonderful for this variety, representative of Romanian viticulture.
The color of the wine is straw yellow, with a greenish tint. The nose is elegant with elderflower and
acacia flowers, to which are added discreetly mineral notes. The body is thin and juicy, the texture fine
and alcohol and acidity are in a beautiful balance. The taste brings green apples, apricots and
elderflower. The aftertaste is fresh and spicy, leaves elegant bitter impressions, grassy sensations and
hints of roasted hazelnuts.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 kg
Dimensions 45 × 15 × 35 cm

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